1. We will not increase your township taxes for all four years of our term
2. We will continue to serve the needs of all residents through our outstanding outreach programs and services
3. We will act professionally and respectfully in all township matters and meetings
We will CONTINUE to:
- Care for all of our neighbors through our many compassionate outreach programs
- Provide honest & transparent governance
- Maintain our historic Township pioneer cemeteries
- Act in a fiscally responsible manner
- Provide safe and economical transportation services for our disabled residents & senior citizens
- Find innovative ways to improve services using new technology & resident feedback
- Provide a property tax appeals process second to none, including timely resident updates & informative seminars
- Maintain our Township streets & work with our villages efficiently in a cost effective manner
- Honor our Township’s military families through our Blue Star Banner Program
*last levy of PREVIOUS Board> adopted Dec. 2016, for 2017 tax year- $2,215,722
OUR Board Levies>
adopted Dec. 2017, for 2018 tax year- $2,205,722
adopted Dec. 2018, for 2019 tax year- $2,180,563
adopted Dec. 2019, for 2020 tax year- $2,201,830
adopted Dec. 2020, for 2021 tax year- $2,201,830
SUMMARY: In our current Board’s last term, the tax levy amount was REDUCED overall by approximately $14,000 ( $13,892) than when we took office in 2017.
*last levy of PREVIOUS Board> adopted Dec. 2016, for 2017 tax year- $2,580,000
OUR Road District Levies>
adopted Dec. 2017, for 2018 tax year- $2,580,000
adopted Dec. 2018, for 2019 tax year- $2,580,000
adopted Dec. 2019, for 2020 tax year- $2,580,000
adopted Dec. 2020, for 2021 tax year- $2,455,000
SUMMARY: In our current Board’s last term, the tax levy amount was REDUCED overall by approximately $125,OOO than when we took office in 2017.
-We are one of the few govt. bodies in the State that currently have ZERO Pension Liability, as we strategically chose to make that a priority.
*In contrast, under Madigan and the Democrats- Pensions will now consume 29% of Illinois’ Budget Amid $7 BILLION Debt Increase with govt. services again facing cuts.
-Our multiple buses/vans transport Seniors and Disabled to grocery shopping, medical appointments, food pantry, hairdressers, and barbers and other Township destinations.
-Purchased a new bus recently, which has helped to cover the increased ridership we’ve seen since the Pandemic began
– Collaborative effort with Cook County to provide No-Cost Covid-19 Testing to Palatine Township- FOR ALL at the Community Resource Center- 1585 Rand Rd. Palatine
-Township Cleaning, Wellness, and Food Packets for residents who test positive, so then can stay at home and not spread the virus.
-Curbside Pick-up for Outreach and Food Pantry Programs during the shutdown
– We updated our website in 2018 to provide an easy- to-use site for our residents
-Our website has considerably more information on Tax Levies, Budgets, Payables, Audits/Reports, Meeting Minutes, Policies, etc. compared to almost every other govt. site in the area, and much more than the law requires through the Open Meetings Act.
– In addition to the General Assistance Dept. we run, as per state statute, we have our own unique to Palatine Township Programs that are incredibly successful and popular.
Food Pantry: provides assistance to anyone in need living within our Township boundaries. Many clients have traditional families that have had temporary setbacks due to unemployment or illness; single parent families where one income barely pays the rent and senior citizens and the disabled who face spiraling medical costs. The pantry has served an average of 350 families each month during the past year.
Needy Family Fund: We helped set up and run a not-for-profit plan funded by private, tax-deductible contributions assists residents with emergency payments for rent, utilities, prescriptions, and essential items that cannot be funded through the General Assistance Department.
YHOP Collaboration: YHOP is an organization comprised of students from Fremd and Palatine High Schools, and area church youth groups working together for a common goal of establishing and building an ongoing dedicated account to generate funding for the Palatine Township Food Pantry. The Township uses the YHOP Fund, restricted for the Food Pantry, to reduce cash shortages, delve into expansion opportunities, and provide food without interruption for the over 350 families served every month.
Outreach programs: are coordinated and administered to help families and individuals who are experiencing financial hardship: Easter Basket, Apple Tree, Thanksgiving, Angel Tree, Adopt A- Family, and Health and Happiness Fair. Working with our General Assistance office, churches, and other social service agencies in our area, needs are identified. Eligible recipients must live within the Palatine Township boundaries, and other qualifications include economic guidelines, recommendations by social service agency or school, or resident nomination.
Despite the Pandemic- we did hugely successful Drive-Through programs with:
-1,044 Angel Tree gifts distributed this year; -179 Families received Adopt-A-Family gifts this year
Blue Star Banner Program: Clerk Moran drafted and earned Board approval of this program in 2011, in order to give the Township residents the opportunity to show their support to the family members of those serving in the U.S. Armed Forces (including those in the National Guard and Reserves who are currently serving in ACTIVE DUTY). The recipient (authorized family member) is invited to attend a Township Board Meeting where they are presented with the Blue Star Banner and a special Resolution in their honor, as well as a special Powerpoint presentation on their life and service. The recipient’s Mayor/Village President and area legislators are also invited to participate in the presentation that evening.
Centenarian Program: Clerk Moran drafted and earned Board approval of this program in 2018 for Township residents who have lived for 100 or more years. The Township Board honors them in a number of special ways including a Certificate of Recognition, recognition in the Township’s newsletter, and, if they are able, a special Township Resolution Presentation Ceremony which includes a special Power point presentation on their life, pictures with the Board, and refreshments. The recipient’s Mayor/Village President is also invited to participate in the presentation that evening.

Show Your Support
We would love for you to show your support for our Republican Township Team by requesting one of our sharp yard signs. One of our wonderful volunteers would be happy to deliver it to you and place it in your lawn for you.
Just click on the button below, and in the Comments section, let us know if you would like us to drop it off by your front door, or place it in your lawn for you!